A prerequisite for admission is that applicants have a Bachelor degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution (minimum 3 years full-time study or 180 ECTS credits) in mechanical engineering, electromechanical engineering, naval architecture, marine technology or a related discipline.
Marine engineers (STCW) and Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (bachelor programme of ing. in Belgium) are not eligible to the programme.
In the application form, you will be asked to list all the courses you had, if applicable (Name of the course, year in the curriculum, number of credits, two lines description with main content) on the following topics:
Note: Students in their last year of such a study programme at the time of application will also be considered for admission (based on an official certificate of enrolment and most recent marks list). It is the applicant’s responsibility that the required degree is obtained prior to the start of the EMship programme.
The English language requirements are updated regularly.
EMship is an English taught programme and an English language proficiency is therefore a basic requirement (no need for any knowledge of the local language such as Dutch or Romanian). Applicants must provide an English language certificate no more than two years old from the start date of the programme (September), unless you are using Cambridge Certificates, in which case it can be upto three and a half years old. 1 of these 6 following certificates must be submitted:
Special Note on exemptions
Exemptions always need to be requested and approved by the EMship Selection Committee and will be given after you have applied. It is not possible to be exempt just because you have studied a Bachelor degree in English. Please don’t contact the EMship Office regarding exemptions before you have applied.
This can be a very lengthy and time-consuming process, please start it well in advance!
A simple scan copy is enough during the application phase, once selected a legalised copy is necessary. In order to ascertain the authenticity of your diploma, we need to receive a duly legalized copy of it at that stage. Please carefully read the information on the Ghent University website about the legalization methods per country and how to get your documents correctly legalized.
The legalisation method depends on the country where the diploma was issued (check the list of countries per legalisation method on the Ghent University website):
Note: you might have to contact the institute that issued your diploma to obtain a certified copy or to find out what the procedure is to have your diploma apostilled or legalized.
Note: if your higher education diploma is not issued in English, it needs to be translated by a certified translator and the original plus the translation need to be added to your application.
Note: students with a Chinese degree should be aware of the APS screening.
Note: Students in their last year of such a study programme at the time of application will also be considered for admission. It is the applicant’s responsibility that the required degree is obtained prior to the start of the EMship programme.
You will need to submit (online, possibly also in hard copies) the following documents, so start well in advance to collect this documentation:
The documents need to be submitted before the deadline (see below).
Note: It is possible to send us your English language certificate after the submission deadline, but definitely before the start of the programme. Possible admission will remain conditional until the file is complete.
Please also note that without a valid language certificate your application is incomplete. Incomplete files might have lower chances of receiving a scholarship.
The deadline for scholarship applications are closed since 31 January. Applying after 31 January is only possible for students who are able to come on a self-funded basis!
There is no nationality restriction. All applicants from all nationalities are welcome in the programme.Tuition fees and scholarships however, do depend on your nationality.
The EMship secretariat will be responsible on behalf of the EMship Selection Committee to inform the applicants about the outcome of the selection phase, by the end of March for scholarship applicants, and by the end of June for self-funded applicants.
At the end of the selection procedure, applicants have the possibility to file an appeal. An appeal can only relate to the correct completion of the selection procedure, not to the outcome thereof. The appeal must be received within 15 working days from the notification date of the selection results. The notification date is the date on which the EMship secretariat sends the notification email.
Click here or go to https://oasis.ugent.be/oasis-web/registratie?0&target=inschrijven&arCode=EMSHIP&aj=2024
After you finished the basic first steps, you can finalize your application at a later stage.